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Cheyenne On Queue Calendar WebApp or PWA
Details to add the calendar app to your home screen are same as the indications below but you need to open the calender events page and click the direct link first, or click here, then follow the 4 very easy steps below. The Calendar App is fully functional and has been tested across all devices and functions beautifuly.. now if I could only get the website to work right!
Cheyenne On Queue WebApp or PWA
Unlike traditional apps that you download from your App Store where you must have an account etc. we have created the new wave of apps called WebApps or PWA this is new simpler technology and requires no down loading from an app store and it's compatable on all devices, (Well it will be) there are still a few things we have to iron out before it's fully functional so please be patient whilst we get this iron out fix the creases.
If you'd like to try our App, it's free, simply follow these 4 easy steps below:
This is still in testing stage for all devices so if you have trouble with it not opening pages or links, simply delete it and check back later to see if we have updated this page confirming it works for all devices.
You can also assist us in sending a message through the contact us page and let us know what issue you have had as this will help us with the iron.
Apple iPods, iPhones and iPads
for Android scroll further down

Would you like the Cheyenne On Queue App icon on your devices home screen so you have quick and easy acces to our site just like an App on your phone? Follow these 4 easy steps and you can do this to any of the pages on our website.

Step 1.
Open our website on your device and let it load make sure you're on the home page. Then look for the icon with the box and arrow. This is usually at the bottom on an iPhone and up top for an iPad. Click on this icon.

Step 2.
This window will open and then you can slide this to the right till you find "Add To Home Screen".

Step 3.
When you see "Add to Home Screen".
Click on this icon.

Step 4.
This window will pop up confirming you're adding the icon to your home screen. You can type a Title and Click on Done.
Android Devices Phones and Tablets

To add the Cheyenne On Queue App Icon to your Android device, the instructions are the same as above with exception of where you start the process. Android devices use the 3 Dots as circled which will bring up your options where you will see Add To Home Screen. Click on that and it will confirm you want to add the icon to your home screen and you your done.